
Lisa and Marcie
Who came down after 'Safetysuit' left the stage
all the way from the Budweiser box to say Hi to Tom and I on the floor
and make sure we were still 'ok'
Tom had gotten me floor tickets for my Birthday
in the standing room only section
Lisa kept reminding me they remove the chairs
so nobody uses them as 'weapons' against other fans
and begging me to' just come to the box'
We had tickets to the Bud Box' just in case'..
but for me.. the 'just in case' meant..
if they ran out of beer on all the other levels!
Sure I got whacked in the face with..
from what I could tell
a size 10 and a 1/2 Nike
from some boy body surfing to the stage..
but it only takes once
you pay more attention to whats coming up behind you.
yes, I wore more beer than I drank that night
got fondled by complete strangers
even tho.. it was probably better for me
then for them
I'm not really worried about regaining full hearing in my right ear
my kids are loud and hard to miss even if your mildly deaf.

The REASON you don't sit in the Bud box
over there-->
'3 Doors Down'

crappy shots = that crap camera
reality= blurry un-sober, don't take the time to find the proper setting, shots..

reality= blurry un-sober, don't take the time to find the proper setting, shots..
just my luck!
the girls next to me got the drummers stick.
no pun intended
cause if that was the case
I'd of def. faught her for it! :OP
In all sincerity,..
I want to thank Tom for tollerating the night
sure.. he would of went to the concert..
but he'd prefer to be safe
up in the Bud Box
with the rest of our friends
I do realize how lucky I am
to have a husband
who got me tickets
where I wanted to be
2 inches away from having the metal gate
leave a permanent mark on your forehead
all while standing behind me all night
only to give me a heads up when passing bodies over my head
just so I could spend hours drooling over the boys on stage
all while singing and screaming and dancing around
like someone who was completely unaware
they might of been a little old for the section they were standing in.
and~..He even did it without ear plugs.
That's actually a turn on.. considering the fact that I know his age.
YUP!~ He's a keeper!!!